Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Strewth ! Scare the Crows Mate !

The Laughing Scarecrow competition was a bottler. Alan Shearan our local MP came to school to hand over the School Eco Grant officially. And the school forwarded out onto the green and the Scarecrows were judged. Best Dressed, Best Chuckler, Most Australian design.

Many parents were impressed with the growth in the garden over the course of nine months. The native trees have established themselves and many of the plants donated by community members have begun to produce a harvest.

It was by many accounts a good day in the garden !

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mini Senior Scarecrows

Seniors students in Ms Nelson's & Ms Griffin's class took up the theme of laughing scarecrows for the garden and made some nifty mini chucklers ! Soon to be released into the wilds of HalindaGreen.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Halinda Green Learning

Staff from Halinda set out for the city early this Wednesday for an hour and a half of stop-start traffic. Their destination ? The Royal Botanical Gardens Sydney !

Halinda Green takes it's commitment to growing knowledge and plants seriously, and the development day for Green Educators, P&C members and community gardeners within schools held by the fine people at the RBGS was an excellent primer for core knowledge in the Sustainable Schools curriculum.

Native plants and indigenous knowledge workshops, permaculture lectures, lesson workshops and compost inservices all provided rich experience for eager learners.

A great day !

Stone the Crows !

Our Halinda School Laughing Scarecrow Competition is on the way !