Wednesday, April 30, 2008

On the Path

Today some students from Halinda SSP got to try the newly mown path on the proposed area of Halinda Green. It was a new experience for the walkers and riders!

Special School students enjoyed the freedom of a dedicated area where they could ride without crowding footpath users around school. A wide open space for bikes with lots of turns, path choices and some skill building variations was lots of fun.

Mowing in a bike path.

Today we walked a path for a trial bike track. Then our site manager Peter and our G.A. John mowed it in. The bike track will be the edging of our community garden, so it is an important first step for future plans.

The bike track can now be tested by senior students for usability.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Outdoor Classroom Project

Our school is discussing the benefits of a Community garden and getting started on seed raising. At our staff development day we set about discussing all that we wanted from it. We also made a start by beginning box terrainiums (soil and water in a container). Each class will plant the seeds of our garden beginning here. 16 classroom plant propagating terrainiums are underway !

Parents and Community members will be welcome to donate cuttings, seeds and plants for our plot.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A mind map of ideas

Here is an overview of our garden proposal in the form of a mindmap.
(click on the pic for a closer look)

There are many ideas here and they will take time to establish and will to sustain. Each one of the ideas represented in the diagram could easily have pages written about it. And many of those pages could have mindmaps of their own. An example of this is the blue box on the right which says 'sustainable plan'. Under this heading the word 'Permacultural Goals' could easily be added.

As a garden should be, it will become a rich complex living system over time.

Proposed position of Halindagreen

Unused space should be community garden don't you think ?

The Seed of an Idea : A School Community Garden

Today was a chance for members of the local school community to come to Halinda and talk about their values.

We are lucky to have such a warm and interested community of parents and caregivers willing to contribute to our school.

We enjoy our school being a support hub and community meeting place.

Halinda Green, the proposed community garden site and it's web space made it's debut as an idea today at the forum.

I am gladdened by the response to our proposal that we all have something to share when it comes to a garden. Parents, Carers and Rotarians have all had good suggestions & good things to say to me today about the potential of the project.

Be it a seed, a cutting, a hint or half an hour to water or weed, contributions will be welcome. And, of course, visits and stories!

There is a lot of work before us, planning and organising, funding and preparing. But today we made a start.

Thankyou to all who attended. Let's make it grow !


A Gardening Precinct ?


HALINDAGREEN is a Community Garden project of Halinda SSP and the wider local, multicultural, indigenous, learning community embracing our school. It links us in many ways in many directions.

Here, we hope to build a sustainable gardening community for students and parents and community members.

Here, we have a place for students to learn, work and watch a garden grow.

We hope to offer a place where people can get their hands dirty and have a real effect on the learning environment of their local area.