Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Seed of an Idea : A School Community Garden

Today was a chance for members of the local school community to come to Halinda and talk about their values.

We are lucky to have such a warm and interested community of parents and caregivers willing to contribute to our school.

We enjoy our school being a support hub and community meeting place.

Halinda Green, the proposed community garden site and it's web space made it's debut as an idea today at the forum.

I am gladdened by the response to our proposal that we all have something to share when it comes to a garden. Parents, Carers and Rotarians have all had good suggestions & good things to say to me today about the potential of the project.

Be it a seed, a cutting, a hint or half an hour to water or weed, contributions will be welcome. And, of course, visits and stories!

There is a lot of work before us, planning and organising, funding and preparing. But today we made a start.

Thankyou to all who attended. Let's make it grow !


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