Monday, February 20, 2012

Integrating Work into the Grid

So a new year starts and we are group-working the green. The once rebel garden now houses (or hothouses) many different strands in an official capacity. There is a lot going on out there (or out here, when I'm updating via device).

The project that started last year, ramping up production will continue apace this year. The students are seeding the hothouse for the harvest they will turn into products for the school community to buy as the year progresses. A forty-four week program has been written for three separate class programs that combine garden, cafe and technology to feed learning. Our students experiences are extended through real world tasks that have authentic outcomes. Their motor skills develop, their knowledge of the processes around food and its production increases, and routines of engagement in skills building develops a task at a time.

A nursery will be a boon to the autistic kids who thrive on the tasks that show results across planting grids. Our curriculum should sprout and renew each planting cycle. Natural iteration by iteration. Stay tuned for fine-tuning.

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